Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

general chair, scientific chair
  • Local chair of EGC 2014 in Rennes (R. Quiniou).

  • Local chairs of PFIA 2015 in Rennes (T. Guyet, R. Quiniou).

  • Organization chairs and program committee members of FST-CERGEO workshop at EGC 2014 (T. Guyet, R. Quiniou).

  • Organization chairs and program committee members of GAST workshop at EGC 2015 (T. Guyet, R. Quiniou).

member of the organizing committee
  • Organization committee member of EGC 2014 in Rennes (T. Guyet, T. Bouadi, S. Benabderrahmane).

Scientific events selection

responsable of the conference program committee
  • Steering Committee of RFIA'2014 (T. Guyet).

member of the conference program committee
  • Program committee member of DX'14 (Principles of Diagnosis)(M.-O. Cordier).

  • Program committee member of JIAF'14 (Journés Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale)(M.-O. Cordier).

  • Program committee members of RFIA'2014 (M.-O. Cordier, T. Guyet, A. Termier).

  • Program committee members of EGC 2014 and 2015 (R. Quiniou, A. Termier).

  • Program committee member of BDA'2014 (A. Termier).

  • Program committee member of Data Mining on Networks Workshop of ICDM 2014 (A. Termier)

  • Program committee member of International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) 2014 (A. Termier)

  • Reviewer for EDBT'2014 (A. Termier).


member of the editorial board
  • AAI: Applied Artificial Intelligence (M.-O. Cordier).

  • Interstices webzine (M.-O. Cordier).

  • Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle (T. Guyet).

  • AAI: Applied Artificial Intelligence (M.-O. Cordier).

  • Interstices webzine (M.-O. Cordier).

  • Journal of Biomedical Informatics (T. Guyet).

  • ACM Computing Surveys (T. Guyet).

  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (A. Termier).

  • Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (A. Termier).

  • National Academy Science Letters (A. Termier).

Scientific animation

Scientific and administrative boards
  • ECCAI fellow + Honorific member of AFIA (Association Française d'Intelligence Artificielle): M. -O. Cordier

  • Member of “Agrocampus-Ouest” scientific board: M.-O. Cordier.

  • Member of “Conseil d'administration de l'ISTIC”: M.-O. Cordier.

  • Head of IRISA department "Data and Knowledge Management" and member of the IRISA scientific management committee: M.-O. Cordier

  • Member of the “Prix de thèse AFIA 2014” award committee (selects the best French PhD thesis in the Artificial Intelligence domain): M.-O. Cordier.

  • Chair of the Inra CSS-MBIA (Commission scientifique spécialisée “Mathématiques, Biologie et Intelligence Artificielle”): M.-O. Cordier.

  • Member of the CoNRS (Comité national recherche scientifique (since october 2012, until september 2014) : M.-O. Cordier

  • Chair of an AERES-HCERES evaluation committee and member of two AERES-HCERES evaluation committees : M.-O. Cordier

  • Member of two recruitment committees for INRA (CR1 and DR2) : M.-O. Cordier

  • Chair of a recruitment committee for a professor position, member of three recruitment committees for assistant-professor positions : M.-O. Cordier

  • Member of the AFIA board (since october 2011): T. Guyet.

  • Member of the COREGE (Research Committee-COmité de la REcherche du Grand Etablissement) of Agrocampus-Ouest: T. Guyet.

  • Evaluator for the Mines-Telecom Foundation, “Futures et Ruptures” program: T. Guyet.

  • Evaluator for the National Research Agency (ANR): T. Guyet.

  • Member of the Payote-Network board: T. Guyet.